Monday, November 06, 2006

Body Parts

Ivette and I finally saw 'SAW'. Yes, the first one. Let me tell you, that is one really twisted and messed up movie. So, we both really enjoyed it. It's worth the watch. We really want to watch 'SAW 2'. It really gave me some wicked dreams, Hehehehe. It's been out for a while, so I won't bore you all with details.
On another story, I went to the doctor the other day. I'm not sure if I mentioned it. After being seen through every hole in my head, been fondled all over and been poked with needles one to many times (tattoos are easier), I've been waiting for my results for a while. I'm suppose to get them on Thursday, so the week is longer than usual. However, I don't think they'll find anything the would surpise me. They already said I was a bit over weight, need to eat better and excersise more. Like I didn't know all of the above. What I am concerned about is my blood preasure and the possibility of Diabeties. As it stands, I have 'Increased blood presure.' Which there isn't a need for drugs yet, which I am happy about.
On the otherside of the world..... A few weeks ago, I bought a special game disk for the Gamecube. It's special because it has Four Legend of Zelda games! It has 'Legend of Zelda' from the original Nintendo, 'Legend of Zelda 2' also for the Nintendo (I think), 'Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time' for the N64 and 'Legend of Zelda: Mask of Majora' also for the N64. I couldn't pass up such a disk.
Talking about games, I finished Konquest mode for Mortal Kombat: Armagedon. What did I get for it? I got the four extra Characters, everyone's second costums, extra arenas and tons of gold. It's a very enjoyable game, so I highly recommend it for anyone who is a fan of Mortal Kombat.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Back to Blogging

Ok, Ok. So I havn't blogged in the longest while. It's not that I hate blogging, I've just been really busy. The new postion is a bit more time consuming, espically at the end of the month. Oh, it dosen't help that my last work computer took a shit and died. To be technical, the hard drive died. After a day or two, I got a nother one. Nothing super cool, but better than what I had. I lost some files though, but oh well.
Recently, I haven't been feeling too well. Been Really dizzy in the head. it's a little freaky. So, I'm accually going to the doctor for a check up. Last time I had a physical, I was......In my teens?
anyway, I'm not to fond of doctors, but I do feel that I need a check up. I have it tomarrow and I'm taking off from work for the day.
That's all for now. Gotta get my stuff together for this after noon.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Other GirlFriend

On my off time, I've been able to play Tomb Raider Legend. This past Monday, I finished the game! 100%!!!!! I first ran through the storyline and picked up whatever treasures I was able to find. After that, I used the new level load feature and looked for the secret treasures I missed. After those two parts were done, I tested myself with the Time Trials. After that, I was done! What did I unlock for going through all this? CHEAT Codes! A bunch of Extra content like: concept art, backgrounds, a Mis-hap Video and new outfits for Lara to wear (which includes two bathing suits).
I would have to recomend this game for any Tomb Raider fan. Angle of Darkness was pretty weak, but this one really gives the send of the original Lara. The story line is pretty decent and gives some more insite into Lara's past, like the imfamous plane crash and her mother's death. The game play is very much like the original, but with some things added and taken away. This Lara will automaticly grab things, instead of pushing the L1 button (This is for PS one & PS2). They took away her side stepping and her 180 degree roll. They also took away her Ozies, very sad with that one. However, she still has her swan dive and hand stand which every fan likes. She has a visible target lock which is kinda helpfull.
There are some new features that are worth noticing. The graple is real cool and is really needed in the game. She can carry granades (max of 4). Instead of flares, she accually sports an LCD light! She can pick up different guns during the game: Shotgun, machine gun, semi-automatic rifle and a granade launcher. Unlike the other titles, she can only carry one alternete weapon. I almost forgot! She can carry the sword "Excalibur." If you get the code, she can also carry 'Soul Rever" a sword from another Edios game. One feature that I accidently found is a set of gymnastic flips.
All in all, I really like this game. It's a keeper. The replay value? It's not the greates like Soul Calibur or Shadows of Colossus; kinda equal to Bloodrayne 2, but better than others. It's especially good when going through Hard mode.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Reserection of Gamers

It's finally happened. I'm back on gameing.
I'm not sure if it was a mistake or not, but I bought Ivette the GameCube. I know she wanted to play Resident Evil 4 (and I've heard some good things about it). So I got a GameCube, memory card and a game. Which game? Mario Sunshine. Not my favorite Mario game, but something to start off with.
So on Sunday, after the Shoe thing what Ivette mentioned on her blog, we wondered to EB games. I wanted to see if I could buy Tomb Raider Legend. So, we looked around and Ivette went a bit spending-crazy. She offered to buy the game for me. I tried not too, but she grabbed the game box before I could sieze it. She also had in her hand Resident Evil 4 for GC (GameCube). Since we had all three game consles, the store was open to us. Ivette made some choice pick ups and we paid for our stuff. We made out like bandits. We got: Resident Evil 4-Ivette, Lego Star Wars- Me (It's such a cute game), Mortal Kombat Deception-Ivette (couldn't resist the fansise), Tomb Raider Legend-Me (heard it was too good and couldn't say no to that sexy female, LOL) and to fiinish it up Simpson Road Rage-Both of us.
So, now we got three game thing hooked up to the living room tv and to the stereo.
I also have a list of games that I'm looking forward to: Starcraft: Ghost, FF7: Deirge of Cerebus (Go Vincent) and Xenosaga 3 (still haven't played #2 yet).
Let the games Begin!!!

Ok, Ok. Like I didn't know that Already. LOL

Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 100%
Envy: 80%
Greed: 60%
Wrath: 60%
Pride: 40%
Sloth: 40%
Gluttony: 20%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 57%
You'll die from overexertion. *wink*

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Puppy has been Rescued

No, not any of us or our puppies, but a poodle that got stuck up top a water way that was next to our building. The wall of this waterway is about 20 feet and 16 feet deep from a ledge that is at leave with our sidewalk. Any way, so this poodle just walked back and forth. It looked clean, groomed and properly feed, so I figured that it was a local dog. He would bark at who ever he saw. Someone from our office called for some help and a fire truck stopped by. The saw the dog and decided to go around the the neighborhood that the dog was at. So they went and tried to get the dog. Well, the dog wouldn't have it. It barked and ran when the fire fighters would go near. Figureing that the dog would get home, I went back to my office.

Friday, July 28, 2006

ChildHood TV

We all remember our favorite tv shows when were kids. I remember watching alot of stuff like Transformers, Silverhawks, Thundercats, Volton, Robotech and a bunch of others. What kinda kills me is that no one shows Looney Toons. Or at least not like they used to. Later on, other shows came on that sparked my interest. Batman the animated series was one of the best. Although no one wants to admit it, Power Rangers were wildly watched. One show that was really awsome was Animaniacs. No matter what episode it was, there was always something funny.
One a venture to Target to get a few things, Ivette and I wondered into the DVD section. And you know what we found? "ANIMANIACS Vol. 1"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a couple of moments of disscution and looking at the box, we bought it. We come to realize that this was one of those shows that is all around entertaining to watch. It's nothing vulger nor too violent; just good, wholesome, old fashioned fun.
If ever I have kids, Animaniacs would be one of the shows that I would have them watch. This includes: Batman and Godzilla. heheheheheh

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Blind Man

I walked past a blind man the other day.
The afternoon was hot as the sun beat down.
I tried not to stare, but only took the quickest glimpse.
He was an older man with an expression of 'Not knowing"
I thought to myself, "Should I ask him if he would like some help?"
Maybe he just needed to get to a bus station...
I wouldn't mind the walk nor helping him out.
Would he accept my help?
Granted, I was a stranger.
Possibly, he would take offense to any help.
I thought to myself, "what if I were blind? Would I accept anyone's help?"
I turned to see if he was still on his dediacted path, but he was gone.
"Could he have be gone so quickly?"
I got to my car and I drove around the city blocks for a bit.
I did find the blind man.
He was sitting in a dinner (of sorts) enjoying some Tea or a soda, but I couldn't tell.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Missing It

I miss the rain.
The rain that feel to earth in drops, drizzles and glops.
The short monsoon season of this city is over.
What's left is dry, sandy air.
I miss the damp, cool breeze from the coming rain clouds.
All that's left is the hot summer wind that burns my skin.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Had to try it! I'm such a Geek.

You scored as Wolverine. Wolverine is a loner, and a skilled fighter. He's got the hots for Jean Grey but a better fit for him would be Storm. He doesn't like to follow orders which pisses Cyclops off. He has terrible memories from the experimentation done on him at Weapon X. Even though he doesn't show it, he loves the X-Men. Powers: Fast healing and adamantium skeleton and claws.









Emma Frost


Jean Grey












Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Woke Up Early, Just to Blog!

It's been a while since I last blogged, but I decided to come in early to work to blog. The new job is not too bad. It's a bit busy at times, but for the most part it easy. It's just time consumeing. What am I doing now? It's titled Courthouse Clerk, or something like that. It's just recording documents twice a day and retreaving documents like probates, deeds, devorce decrees and other things like that. Then I bring them back to my office. The office i'm working at is the Plant; where all the examiners and data entery are at. I'm sorry to say that Archives is finally closing down. I was lucky enough to transferr to another department.
I bought the movie 'Bloodrayne.' There where rumors and critics that said that it sucked. Like any fan, I bought it. I was able to watch it and find out for myself. It isn't the greates movie, but it's not the worst. The acting was good and the plot line was fair. The worst parts of the movie were the lame fight scenes and the blunt weapons! Yes, every sword in the freakin movie had no sharp points nor looked sharp. They all looked like SPOONS! I can accept that the movie protays Rayne an unexperienced Damphire, but as the time line gose, she dosn't kill her father till the game Bloodrayne 2. Yes, She kills her father in this one. The first game puts against the Natzi's in World War 2. In BloodRayne 2, she is in modern times. Neither games give detailes on her past, except that her father raped and killed her mother and that she is a half breed (damphire). There is the artifacts of Beliar from the 1st game, but all that dosn't happend till WW2. The movie puts her in Medeavle times.
All though the timeline was scued and the weapons were blunt, there were some good plotline, details of her past and a serprise sex scene, it was an ok movie. It ranks above 'Starship troopers', but not as good as 'League of the Extraordianry Gentalmen.'

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday, Already?!

The week seemed to have come and gone really quickly. I really don't know why, It just happened that way.
Any way. I've decided on a name for my Car. As silly as it may sound, it's kinda cool. Her name is now "Little Bandit". It was that or 'Tahni'. I like 'Little bandit' better. I'll take some pictures and post them hopefully soon.
As work gose, there is a final date when Archives is closeing and it's closer than I thought. Well, not too close. Everyone know that this place was going to close, but no one really know when. Now we do. Soon, we'll stop scanning and start boxing up all the files (that have yet to be scanned) and send them out to another office out of town.
As for me, I'm one of the lucky ones. I've been offered a job at the plant. I'm going to start off doing court house work, like recording documents and retreaving others. I don't mind, It's like when I was a runner. The only difference is that I don't get to wear shorts. There could be some other opening later. Data entery is going to have a huge upgrade. An opening may open up, but it's in the air right now. There is a posibility that I can move up to examiner later, too. That would be very good. There is a nice demand for good title examiners. What's even better? I already know the people at the plant. I've know some from when I was a kid and would go to work with my Mom or Dad. Others I've met during my job as a runner. Did I mention, this new job comes with a raise?
Blog ya all later!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Long Over Due

I takes me forever to blog. It's been kinda busy around and somethings are settleing down.
I re-watched Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children and decided that it's Ubur-Awsome. I checked out all the extras on the two DVD's. They had some really cool trailors of upcoming games and trailors of Advent Children that I like from the internet. What caught me by suprise was two features. One was the Venice Film Festival Footage, which was a cup-up and segmented version of the movie. It was cool for a film festival, but it plot was all messy. I like the whole movie. Second, is the Reminiscence of FF7 Story Digest. It just hits on some of the high points of the PS game with music. It brought back some memories. Not everything that I would have like is there, but it's kinda hard to put 60 hrs of game footage in a DVD.
The Movie accually made better sence after the second viewing and made a much better movie. The Music is fantastic. It take some of the old battle themes and character hyms and updated them from computer plips to live string and horns. I'm so impressed, I've bought the sound track.
On Other news.....
My truck is pretty dead, but I am planning on fixing it up. In a bit of luck and a ton of praying, I was able to buy a really good used car. It's a Red Hyundai Acssent 2005. I was looking for somthing in 2000, but didn't figure that I would find an '05. It's only a year old and only has a years worth of milage. It still has warrenty (bumper to bumper) and still has the new car smell. At last, I have a car that has a working gas gadge. It's also a 4 cylinder which is going to make my gas spending to a minimum. The only thing I need for a car is a name. I was thinking of Cassie, but Ivette has some other choise ideas. If you all have any suggestions for a name, please leave me a comment. If I choose your's, I'll give you a cookie!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children

Finally, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children is here! I got my reserved copy yesterday. The DVD came with a bonus DVD. I sorta checked it out. It was mostly the American side of voice dubbing. The accual movie was kinda cool. The digital animation was very well made. The plot was ok. It had it's moments, but it was.......I don't know how to discribe it. All the original characters are in it: Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Cat Sait, Yuffie, Vincent, Red 13 with some old villians/friends: Rude, Reno, Ellena and Ruffus. With special camio's of Bahamut and Sepheroth. The action it self was awsome. The whole movie was good, music inclued, but the story unfolded a bit separated. As if they were trying to put alot in with out smooth transitions......maybe. I did enjoy it. Saw some of the trailors for the movie, new games that are suppose to come out. Some of them looked more like Anime than games.
I'm very happy that I reserved the game. From what I heard, every store that was selling it were sold out, except for one. Best Buy sold out at about 4 or earlier. Game Stop only had a few copies and mostly had the ones that were reserved. The last store that had any Un-reserved copies was at EB Games on Zaragosa. I know alot of people were after this perticular movie. At least we finaly have it after Several months of waiting. I wonder when it will be restoced.
Oh, the Car thing? Just another can or worm....

Monday, April 24, 2006

In Bad Need of a Beer and 3 thousand Dollars

I do have a few choice words to say to everybody, but they may offend a few people. So, I'm debating on saying them or keeping them to myself. As you all can tell I am not in the best of moods and not at all in good terms with anyone. So, If anyone had done me wrong (no matter how little a thing) stay out of my way because I may degrade you to the point of hurt.
Why am I upset? ......
For alot of thing. Especially when anyone askes: "Are you Mad?" or says "Don't get mad at me." or something like that. The words just really pisses me off. Of course I'm going to be mad! Why ask a stupid question if you already know the dumbass answer....
At the list of things that pissed me off; vehicle problems would be at the top right now. Here's the score. I own two vehicles: 1988 Mustang and a 1991 Chev. S-10. I lived with my parents for most of my life. Every so offten one of their cars would break down and they'd use one of mine. At one point, we had five different cars in our drive way. Let me do some math.... Two of them are mine: mustang and s-10. I also had a company truck from one of my jobs. My mom has her ford and my dad had his Riviera.
Ok. bad mojo happended one night and a drunk driver hit my dad from the back. Dad was fine, but the FRAME of the car had bent. The car was considered totalled. So, from then on, he asked to barrow the Mustang. Feeling that I owed them something, I let him use.
Soon after I had thoughts about giving it to my dad for two reasons. One, he really liked it and two, it gets pricey to keep up the mantinance for two cars. Later, the Mustang developed some problems and required sometime to fix. So, my dad asked to use the truck.
After a while, I got a new job and I gave back the company truck. So, I started to use my truck and my dad stated to use the Mustang. Soon after, the Mustang began to develop problems again. My dad started to use the Corvett (the corvett is my cousin (in-law's) car. He needed a place to put it so no one could steal it in the big city).
I forgot to mention one part. My mom used my truck one day and blew out the engine. We split the cost of it. The truck was not the same truck after a new engine is installed.
Now, my truck had developed some problems. Some I ignored and others just happened.
1. There is a clanging sound coming from the engine. From a trusted friend (who knows his shit) he thinks it needs a new engine. yea I know. "new engine? so soon?" I don't know.....It has water and oil.
2. The muffler has a hole the size of Angdre the Giant's hand. I've been hearing it for a bit of time, but figured I'd do it before the next state inspection.
3. The fucker is leaking oil like a patient bleeds in a dentist office. It started small, but I know I had to replace the part soon. In fact I have the part that I need to get replaced.
4. Had a noise coming from passenger side front wheel. I ended up replaceing the wheel's hub. It was missing some of it's ball bearings and was really loose. It started the friday before Easter.
What else.....?
5. oh yea, Bushings and shocks for the front end.
I do have a plan, althought no one seems to listen.
It has been suggested tha I barrow my Uncle's pick-up untill I get the truck fixed, but I don't want to do that just yet. I want to ressurect the Mustang from it's stationary potion. It'll be faster and cheaper to set the Mustang going than the truck would be.
At the moment, I have things spining in my head and many options open to me. I trully would like a new vehicle, like a Honda Civic.
We'll see what happens...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Quick Fix

Finally, after 40 days, I am able to eat meat when ever I want and Drink soda again! That's the longest I've spent without a soda and it feels good. Especially that first drink of Root Beer. Of all the flavors, that's the one I miss the most.
I finally got all of the items from easy mode on Shadows of Colossus. Now, I want to get all the weapons in hard mode. Halo is in the same place as before. I haven't put real time on it lately. That also gose for Playboy's: The Mansion. I did play a bit of Burn out 3 and remembered how cool the sound track was.
I've finally paid off my first student loan! HIGH TIMES!
As always, there is family chis'me around, but I'll get to that later. "Why can't people put their problems aside..."
Was listening to Coast to Coast AM and Art Bell was on. Wouldn't ya know it, he got himself married and is moveing to the other side of the world! For more about it go to: Coast to Coast AM website. Also on the show, EMV or something like (Ghost voices) it were being disscussed. It's really interesting listening to some of these. I do have to admint, they are kinda scary, but fun to listen to.
Not much has been going on, just rested alot this past weekend. I am tinkering with a screen saver program that I found a while back. It's basicly slide shows with music. The fun part is some of the configurations you can do with the pictures and music of your choice.
I found a website that has the Bome Figures that I've been collecting. Click here to see them. I have four of them and one on it's way. I really like the this sculptur.

Friday, April 14, 2006

What I did on my Day Off

Today is my day off, so I'm just kicking it and doing odds and ends. I finally checked out my truck and decided to get it serviced. There is a weird noise coming the passenger-side front wheel. I think it's a ballbearing or a u-joint. Since my truck is a 4X4, it makes fixing it a little tricky. Yea, I know "a pick-up that's has 4X4?" In any case, I really don't want to mess with it and screw it up. While it's at the mechanic, I'm going to replace the oil cooler lines. What do they do? Here's the jist of it..... regular cars and trucks have the oil filter attached to the engine. My truck has it's oil filter detached and placed on the frame. There are a pair of rubber-metal hoses that oil flows to and from the oil filter. Those hoses are the ones I need to replace. My dad and I would have done it, but we would have to lift the engine. You see, we tryed it once and the One spot that it gets stuck, the hose is metal and the gap between the engine and the frame dose not allow enough space for much movement. I'm hopeing to take it in the next couple of weeks. Parts and labor should not be real expensive. I already ordered the oil lines and they are going to cost $64 bucks. the most should be labor.....I hope.