Monday, April 24, 2006

In Bad Need of a Beer and 3 thousand Dollars

I do have a few choice words to say to everybody, but they may offend a few people. So, I'm debating on saying them or keeping them to myself. As you all can tell I am not in the best of moods and not at all in good terms with anyone. So, If anyone had done me wrong (no matter how little a thing) stay out of my way because I may degrade you to the point of hurt.
Why am I upset? ......
For alot of thing. Especially when anyone askes: "Are you Mad?" or says "Don't get mad at me." or something like that. The words just really pisses me off. Of course I'm going to be mad! Why ask a stupid question if you already know the dumbass answer....
At the list of things that pissed me off; vehicle problems would be at the top right now. Here's the score. I own two vehicles: 1988 Mustang and a 1991 Chev. S-10. I lived with my parents for most of my life. Every so offten one of their cars would break down and they'd use one of mine. At one point, we had five different cars in our drive way. Let me do some math.... Two of them are mine: mustang and s-10. I also had a company truck from one of my jobs. My mom has her ford and my dad had his Riviera.
Ok. bad mojo happended one night and a drunk driver hit my dad from the back. Dad was fine, but the FRAME of the car had bent. The car was considered totalled. So, from then on, he asked to barrow the Mustang. Feeling that I owed them something, I let him use.
Soon after I had thoughts about giving it to my dad for two reasons. One, he really liked it and two, it gets pricey to keep up the mantinance for two cars. Later, the Mustang developed some problems and required sometime to fix. So, my dad asked to use the truck.
After a while, I got a new job and I gave back the company truck. So, I started to use my truck and my dad stated to use the Mustang. Soon after, the Mustang began to develop problems again. My dad started to use the Corvett (the corvett is my cousin (in-law's) car. He needed a place to put it so no one could steal it in the big city).
I forgot to mention one part. My mom used my truck one day and blew out the engine. We split the cost of it. The truck was not the same truck after a new engine is installed.
Now, my truck had developed some problems. Some I ignored and others just happened.
1. There is a clanging sound coming from the engine. From a trusted friend (who knows his shit) he thinks it needs a new engine. yea I know. "new engine? so soon?" I don't know.....It has water and oil.
2. The muffler has a hole the size of Angdre the Giant's hand. I've been hearing it for a bit of time, but figured I'd do it before the next state inspection.
3. The fucker is leaking oil like a patient bleeds in a dentist office. It started small, but I know I had to replace the part soon. In fact I have the part that I need to get replaced.
4. Had a noise coming from passenger side front wheel. I ended up replaceing the wheel's hub. It was missing some of it's ball bearings and was really loose. It started the friday before Easter.
What else.....?
5. oh yea, Bushings and shocks for the front end.
I do have a plan, althought no one seems to listen.
It has been suggested tha I barrow my Uncle's pick-up untill I get the truck fixed, but I don't want to do that just yet. I want to ressurect the Mustang from it's stationary potion. It'll be faster and cheaper to set the Mustang going than the truck would be.
At the moment, I have things spining in my head and many options open to me. I trully would like a new vehicle, like a Honda Civic.
We'll see what happens...

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