Thursday, May 25, 2006

Woke Up Early, Just to Blog!

It's been a while since I last blogged, but I decided to come in early to work to blog. The new job is not too bad. It's a bit busy at times, but for the most part it easy. It's just time consumeing. What am I doing now? It's titled Courthouse Clerk, or something like that. It's just recording documents twice a day and retreaving documents like probates, deeds, devorce decrees and other things like that. Then I bring them back to my office. The office i'm working at is the Plant; where all the examiners and data entery are at. I'm sorry to say that Archives is finally closing down. I was lucky enough to transferr to another department.
I bought the movie 'Bloodrayne.' There where rumors and critics that said that it sucked. Like any fan, I bought it. I was able to watch it and find out for myself. It isn't the greates movie, but it's not the worst. The acting was good and the plot line was fair. The worst parts of the movie were the lame fight scenes and the blunt weapons! Yes, every sword in the freakin movie had no sharp points nor looked sharp. They all looked like SPOONS! I can accept that the movie protays Rayne an unexperienced Damphire, but as the time line gose, she dosn't kill her father till the game Bloodrayne 2. Yes, She kills her father in this one. The first game puts against the Natzi's in World War 2. In BloodRayne 2, she is in modern times. Neither games give detailes on her past, except that her father raped and killed her mother and that she is a half breed (damphire). There is the artifacts of Beliar from the 1st game, but all that dosn't happend till WW2. The movie puts her in Medeavle times.
All though the timeline was scued and the weapons were blunt, there were some good plotline, details of her past and a serprise sex scene, it was an ok movie. It ranks above 'Starship troopers', but not as good as 'League of the Extraordianry Gentalmen.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Told you it sucked.