Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One Of Fourty

Day One, I guess it would be noted, of my Game addiction sabbatical. Yea, I wondered myself if I would really go through with it. Better to try and fail then not try at all?  I played my last game of ME3 and was pretty fun. I put all my games away in their respected boxes, even the PS Vita ones. I've been having a bad feeling that I'm going to miss out on something. Like a once a year banner for ME3 or a rare gun in Borderlands 2. I did decide that my xbox an Vita can be used for videos or Netflix  If there is a shift code, I can input it without actually playing the game or download any DLC for that matter.
There is one thing that is going to kill me a bit. The new Tomb Raider comes out in March. Yes, I did reserve it and is out before Lent ends. Bummer, but I knew this might happen if I decided on giving up the game thing for forty days.
As a matter of Colonial Marines  Aliens.....I had wanted to reserve it but something told me not to. I was real excited about it, like so many, but once it was released I am glad I did not. I like Gearbox for their potential. Borderlands 1 and 2 are fun games. Duke Nukem.....was OK  What I have been hearing about this Aliens, horrid. I kinda feel for Gearbox, but what can I really say. Buy every other game that comes out by them.
What else do I have to say....? Maybe more later.

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