Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lets Try It Again

Lent is almost upon us. As every year, we all try to give up something, bring better things in our lives and all around become better people.  As for me, this year I will be giving up video games for Forty days. This is ALL games except for small word games on my Nook. 
For me its a big thing since I'm a modest gamer. What I've been playing recently are: Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer, Borderlands 2 and Ragnarok Odyssey. I am not entirely sure how I will react to this, but I figured it would not hurt to try. If I fail, there is always next year. I hope to use this blog to recorded my reactions and emotions through these forty days. If I get too personal, emotional or raw with bluntness (if this is a word), then it's too bad.
Not sure what else to say.  I guess nothing for now till later. 


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