Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Almost Got Me

I almost broke down and played some ME 3 or Ragnarok..... I think I figured out that its my personal stress reliever. I know, Some will say that it is not, but it's only games in an unreal world. Not having to worry about the real world for a few is very alluring  Persona 4 is also on my mind, as well as Virtues Last Reward and the 6 or 7 free games I was able to get from the PS Network. Those are not the reasons I almost broke down. The weekend was a bit stress full and....full of people. I have to say, I don't do very well in large crowds. Crowds scare me and are very noisy  Concerts are OK because your there with for a shared musical experience and usually have seats (unless your in the mosh pit). However, when you pack 40 people in a place made for less than that, with the wind blowing 50 miles an hour; it makes my personal space small and nearly gone. I care a lot for personal space, a lot. I have come to the conclusion that coffee is good for any time, except for right before bed.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Nice News

On the gaming front, there a few thing. Ps4, heard some good and some bad and I will not bore anyone with the details because you can find them from just Google them. Truth be told, I am not that interested in it yet. The whole (non) backwards compatibility is a huge turn off, since I have not have played any Ps3 titles and may want to in the future. Project to utilize the Ps Vita in conjunction with the Ps4 titles is very nice, but at this point its only on paper and not in code. Lastly, I have not heard of any titles that I would want to play on this counsel yet. That is always the deal maker or breaker. There was a recent Dlc for Ragnarok Odyssey for Ps Vita. It was three sets of costumes (for free) and some head gear or hats (0.99 each). Its a nice to get, but kinda wish it was a little sooner. I also hoped, like others whom enjoy the game, that there would be more missions and stuff. Maybe later with that. Bio ware just announced its final Dlc for ME 3! Citadel Mission with all the Characters from the past three games. Granted, I still have not bought the Aria Dlc yet. Also, something for Multiplayer: more characters and weapons. The single player comes out March 5th and Multiplayer Feb 26st. Most Excellent and huge bummer. I have not done much reading. I really need to make a better effort and make some time. I have been feeling a bit odd as of late. Not so much a cold or anything like that, just....I don't know.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

There Is Always the Paranormal

I hope this works. I am writing from my nook color,so lets prey for good results. My gamer persona is on hold and doing well. I have the urge to play, but i have kept my self a bit busy. Well, more like entertained. Netflix is a big help. I have been watching many scifi, paranormal and odd ball movies pertaining with ufos, bigfoot, ghosts and such. I am a huge fan about mystery things and the unknown. I know i did not stay dilagent with this blog, but time is sometimes scarece. The Bond movie, Skyfall, was really good. One of the better ones, i think.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Not A Bad Friday

I almost gave into temptation last night. I got the itch to play some borderlands or ME 3 multiplayer, but I did not. David and I watched some Blair Witch Project, but he was more interested with cartoons of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. After I put him to sleep, I turn on some Netflix. I was in a paranormal mood, but did not real find a 'shaky cam' movie I liked, so I watched 'Fire in the Sky.' I know what you are going to say, but Ufo things always get me hooked. After that, I watch some low budget, home made Big Foot documentary. It was pretty good; not like Monster Quest or Destination Truth, but I did have feel like it. Thank Goodness for Netflix, I think I would have buckled if it were not for DVDs and that program thing.  
I have an urge to explain the ME 3 multiplayer, but I do not want to bore any readers I may have. All I want to say right now is that it is my favorite series. It goes up on my list with Tomb Raider and  Soul Calibur. 
Speaking of which, I need a pic for a Weekly challenge for the new Tomb Raider Game. 

Tomb Raider

Hope this is ok.


Thursday, February 14, 2013


I really dislike Valentine's day. statement said, lets move on.
Like I though would happen, Borderlands 2 and Mass Effect 3 have something for V-day.

ME 3 has a mission, but lucky for me, I really don't need it nor is there a banner. So,
I can pass on this. Borderlands 2 has a shift code for a Mad Moxxi Shot gun and
character skins. I don't think I have to play to aquire them, just have to turn on the

I am not really sure what to put into this blog. I dont want to get too personal, but I
dont want to be to vauge or plain.
I did find a possible new Paranormal internet radio show, much like Coast to Coast Am.
It's called Strange Frequencey Radio. It looks neat, but have not hear a show yet, but
it it follows a format like C2C, then it may be entertaining.
As far as reading goes, I have not done much or any. Am kind of pick of how, when and
enviorment of which I like to read. However, I am determined to begin and finish
certain books. A real short book list to start with:
El Paso Under Attack
Song of fire and Ice Dance with Dragons
I would like to reread Starship troopers or Prey.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One Of Fourty

Day One, I guess it would be noted, of my Game addiction sabbatical. Yea, I wondered myself if I would really go through with it. Better to try and fail then not try at all?  I played my last game of ME3 and was pretty fun. I put all my games away in their respected boxes, even the PS Vita ones. I've been having a bad feeling that I'm going to miss out on something. Like a once a year banner for ME3 or a rare gun in Borderlands 2. I did decide that my xbox an Vita can be used for videos or Netflix  If there is a shift code, I can input it without actually playing the game or download any DLC for that matter.
There is one thing that is going to kill me a bit. The new Tomb Raider comes out in March. Yes, I did reserve it and is out before Lent ends. Bummer, but I knew this might happen if I decided on giving up the game thing for forty days.
As a matter of Colonial Marines  Aliens.....I had wanted to reserve it but something told me not to. I was real excited about it, like so many, but once it was released I am glad I did not. I like Gearbox for their potential. Borderlands 1 and 2 are fun games. Duke Nukem.....was OK  What I have been hearing about this Aliens, horrid. I kinda feel for Gearbox, but what can I really say. Buy every other game that comes out by them.
What else do I have to say....? Maybe more later.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lets Try It Again

Lent is almost upon us. As every year, we all try to give up something, bring better things in our lives and all around become better people.  As for me, this year I will be giving up video games for Forty days. This is ALL games except for small word games on my Nook. 
For me its a big thing since I'm a modest gamer. What I've been playing recently are: Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer, Borderlands 2 and Ragnarok Odyssey. I am not entirely sure how I will react to this, but I figured it would not hurt to try. If I fail, there is always next year. I hope to use this blog to recorded my reactions and emotions through these forty days. If I get too personal, emotional or raw with bluntness (if this is a word), then it's too bad.
Not sure what else to say.  I guess nothing for now till later. 
