Thursday, May 25, 2006

Woke Up Early, Just to Blog!

It's been a while since I last blogged, but I decided to come in early to work to blog. The new job is not too bad. It's a bit busy at times, but for the most part it easy. It's just time consumeing. What am I doing now? It's titled Courthouse Clerk, or something like that. It's just recording documents twice a day and retreaving documents like probates, deeds, devorce decrees and other things like that. Then I bring them back to my office. The office i'm working at is the Plant; where all the examiners and data entery are at. I'm sorry to say that Archives is finally closing down. I was lucky enough to transferr to another department.
I bought the movie 'Bloodrayne.' There where rumors and critics that said that it sucked. Like any fan, I bought it. I was able to watch it and find out for myself. It isn't the greates movie, but it's not the worst. The acting was good and the plot line was fair. The worst parts of the movie were the lame fight scenes and the blunt weapons! Yes, every sword in the freakin movie had no sharp points nor looked sharp. They all looked like SPOONS! I can accept that the movie protays Rayne an unexperienced Damphire, but as the time line gose, she dosn't kill her father till the game Bloodrayne 2. Yes, She kills her father in this one. The first game puts against the Natzi's in World War 2. In BloodRayne 2, she is in modern times. Neither games give detailes on her past, except that her father raped and killed her mother and that she is a half breed (damphire). There is the artifacts of Beliar from the 1st game, but all that dosn't happend till WW2. The movie puts her in Medeavle times.
All though the timeline was scued and the weapons were blunt, there were some good plotline, details of her past and a serprise sex scene, it was an ok movie. It ranks above 'Starship troopers', but not as good as 'League of the Extraordianry Gentalmen.'

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday, Already?!

The week seemed to have come and gone really quickly. I really don't know why, It just happened that way.
Any way. I've decided on a name for my Car. As silly as it may sound, it's kinda cool. Her name is now "Little Bandit". It was that or 'Tahni'. I like 'Little bandit' better. I'll take some pictures and post them hopefully soon.
As work gose, there is a final date when Archives is closeing and it's closer than I thought. Well, not too close. Everyone know that this place was going to close, but no one really know when. Now we do. Soon, we'll stop scanning and start boxing up all the files (that have yet to be scanned) and send them out to another office out of town.
As for me, I'm one of the lucky ones. I've been offered a job at the plant. I'm going to start off doing court house work, like recording documents and retreaving others. I don't mind, It's like when I was a runner. The only difference is that I don't get to wear shorts. There could be some other opening later. Data entery is going to have a huge upgrade. An opening may open up, but it's in the air right now. There is a posibility that I can move up to examiner later, too. That would be very good. There is a nice demand for good title examiners. What's even better? I already know the people at the plant. I've know some from when I was a kid and would go to work with my Mom or Dad. Others I've met during my job as a runner. Did I mention, this new job comes with a raise?
Blog ya all later!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Long Over Due

I takes me forever to blog. It's been kinda busy around and somethings are settleing down.
I re-watched Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children and decided that it's Ubur-Awsome. I checked out all the extras on the two DVD's. They had some really cool trailors of upcoming games and trailors of Advent Children that I like from the internet. What caught me by suprise was two features. One was the Venice Film Festival Footage, which was a cup-up and segmented version of the movie. It was cool for a film festival, but it plot was all messy. I like the whole movie. Second, is the Reminiscence of FF7 Story Digest. It just hits on some of the high points of the PS game with music. It brought back some memories. Not everything that I would have like is there, but it's kinda hard to put 60 hrs of game footage in a DVD.
The Movie accually made better sence after the second viewing and made a much better movie. The Music is fantastic. It take some of the old battle themes and character hyms and updated them from computer plips to live string and horns. I'm so impressed, I've bought the sound track.
On Other news.....
My truck is pretty dead, but I am planning on fixing it up. In a bit of luck and a ton of praying, I was able to buy a really good used car. It's a Red Hyundai Acssent 2005. I was looking for somthing in 2000, but didn't figure that I would find an '05. It's only a year old and only has a years worth of milage. It still has warrenty (bumper to bumper) and still has the new car smell. At last, I have a car that has a working gas gadge. It's also a 4 cylinder which is going to make my gas spending to a minimum. The only thing I need for a car is a name. I was thinking of Cassie, but Ivette has some other choise ideas. If you all have any suggestions for a name, please leave me a comment. If I choose your's, I'll give you a cookie!