Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Long Time Has Passed

I know, I know. It's been forever since I last blogged. I could give excuses, but it don't feel like getting into it. Not much has happened since, but here's some high lights.
Another birthday has passed and now I'm 28.......way too close to being 30. It's kinda scary, isn't it? I couldn't help but remember the show "ThirtySomething" It makes me laugh that I'm suppose to be something like those guys? I'm in no way close to that maturity nor successful. I guess it's not the age, but having the same persona as the characters.
Any way, to make me feel a bit better, I bought somethings with some of the Income tax money and b-day cash. To be specific, three items. The first was a statue for two characters from Star Wars. It's a figure of R2-D2 and Princess Leia.

I've been after this for a short while. I really like R2 so what's better the this duo. It's much better that R2 and C-3PO, isn't it. The Second thing I bought is also something from Star Wars and Lego. Yes, I already have both games. It's an X-wing make of Lego's. It was something I found at ToysRus that I didn't expect to find. The original x-wings are not sold anymore, so I figured that I would have to get it from eBay or something. So I had to get it. It had some extra characters, too! It has Luke, Han, Chewbaca, R2d2, Princes Leia and Wedge. How can I say no?
The third and most expensive thing I bought was a pair of matching 'IPod videos'. Yes, a pair. Ivette made it clear that if I ever bought an IPod, that she had to have one too. So, how could I refuse. She kinda gave me that face. Yes the face that no man can say no to. Any way, I wanted it so bad. We had discussed getting Nanos. They were cheaper yet still had the capacity that was ok. We we looked at the 4gig Nanos. I didn't like the colors they had. The blue was too light; I like dark blues and navy blues. There was a black Nano, but it was an 8gig and costed as much as an Ipod Video (30gig). So we went to Target to see what they had. On the way, I decided to get the Video; two of them. The video was ideal for us. Ivette was going on a trip to London and I was planning a trip to Lubbock. what better way to pass the time that Ipods. CD players are nice, but with today's technology; it can't compare. Any way, Cd players require batters and they are getting expensive. Also, I like mixing music, but burning them to CD takes too long. It's especially long on my computer. IPods are simple to use. It just takes some understanding.
I've a website that has a bunch of Game and Anime music. So far, I've downloaded:Devil May Cry Soundtrack, Tomb Raider legend soundtrack, Bust-a-groove and it's Japanese version Bust-a-move. There is so much music, it's almost unbelievable.
Ivette and I are interested in making some purchases on Itunes. Some of the Videos that I have on my computer don't transfer or convert to the Ipod. I've tried some converters, but If anyone has any suggestions, I'll be thank full.

1 comment:

Mike said...

