Friday, July 28, 2006

ChildHood TV

We all remember our favorite tv shows when were kids. I remember watching alot of stuff like Transformers, Silverhawks, Thundercats, Volton, Robotech and a bunch of others. What kinda kills me is that no one shows Looney Toons. Or at least not like they used to. Later on, other shows came on that sparked my interest. Batman the animated series was one of the best. Although no one wants to admit it, Power Rangers were wildly watched. One show that was really awsome was Animaniacs. No matter what episode it was, there was always something funny.
One a venture to Target to get a few things, Ivette and I wondered into the DVD section. And you know what we found? "ANIMANIACS Vol. 1"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a couple of moments of disscution and looking at the box, we bought it. We come to realize that this was one of those shows that is all around entertaining to watch. It's nothing vulger nor too violent; just good, wholesome, old fashioned fun.
If ever I have kids, Animaniacs would be one of the shows that I would have them watch. This includes: Batman and Godzilla. heheheheheh

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Blind Man

I walked past a blind man the other day.
The afternoon was hot as the sun beat down.
I tried not to stare, but only took the quickest glimpse.
He was an older man with an expression of 'Not knowing"
I thought to myself, "Should I ask him if he would like some help?"
Maybe he just needed to get to a bus station...
I wouldn't mind the walk nor helping him out.
Would he accept my help?
Granted, I was a stranger.
Possibly, he would take offense to any help.
I thought to myself, "what if I were blind? Would I accept anyone's help?"
I turned to see if he was still on his dediacted path, but he was gone.
"Could he have be gone so quickly?"
I got to my car and I drove around the city blocks for a bit.
I did find the blind man.
He was sitting in a dinner (of sorts) enjoying some Tea or a soda, but I couldn't tell.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Missing It

I miss the rain.
The rain that feel to earth in drops, drizzles and glops.
The short monsoon season of this city is over.
What's left is dry, sandy air.
I miss the damp, cool breeze from the coming rain clouds.
All that's left is the hot summer wind that burns my skin.