Monday, July 20, 2009

Gamera the Brave with a tad of Harry Potter 6

So there are now Myspace, Face Book and Twitter. I like having a place to jot down ones thoughts and I enjoy having them read. What I don't like so much is that the medium and place one dose so changes quite often. I remember that Blogs where the total shit, but now it is nothing but a bunch of words. I guess that is the for most reason I've started writing in this blog again. It's been forever since I've come here and thought it would an excellent place start up again.
I'm not one for being in total style or trying the new thing. I will pick them up if they have been out for a while and if I seem to like them.
Now that my displeasure with the "in thing" is over, lets start this blog again.
Best place to start would be the now. I am sitting at my In-laws garage, which my wife and I use as a temporary appartment. It's a bit of a story that I will tell later. I restarted this blog and am watching and listening to 'Gamera the Brave". I'm a big fan of the japanese monster films. Of course my favorite is Godzilla and collected may of the movies. My second is Gamera, I think. I really should not watch this film. Last time I watched it, I practacly cried. See, Gamera is this giant turtle that saves the children and there parents from danger like other big beasts. In this movie, we get to see him be reborn and is befriended by this young boy. long story short: he grows up and defeats another monster that eats humans. "Big surprise."
It makes me sad on the account what I owned three turtle. Two little one which we still have; Tonks and Janeway. We had a large male, about the size of a double quarter pounders from McD. He died a while back, and I guess I really never really got over it.
In the movies, we get to see snippits of baby Gamera doing thing turtles do. He walked around, tumbled over, was very courious and was unprotected from the world. There was one scene that really choked me. After defeating and atomizing the evil beast, Gamera is laying on the street. The friend is far off the distance, and raises his hand and extends his finger. In the briliant illusion, he strokes Gamera's head, as if he was little again. The ending credits do me in too. Showing baby Gamera walking around, doing turtle stuff while they play a most heartbreaking song.
Since I've watched the film, I've rewatched some of the old Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes with Gamera and Godzilla movies. I had all but forgotten how funny they are. I finally get the jokes that flew over my head when I first watch them.
Another movies I watch this past Sunday was Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince. I have to admit that it was a pretty decent movie, but I do have some issues with it. As a side note, I was not part of the HP band wagon when it first come out. I waited till the movies were out on Dvd that i started watching them; i think.
Any way, I got the audio books and put them on my Ipod and listen to them in turn. I gotta say, they are very enjoyable. This coming from a guy who dose not like to read.
I will not discuss or tell you the story. I find it quit rude if someone dose. If asked, then that is just fine. What I have issue with is that the movies seemed rushed and they cut out several parts that I enjoy and should have been in the movies. Other parts, or at least one, should not have happend or even should have happened. I really enjoyed the character of Belatrix. Most enjoyable and very. . . cute, 'just don't tell my wife'. For anyone interested, the movies is worth watching.
As a second side note; the price for a soda, popcorn and candy have become overly priced! What the frak is wrong with these people? It's bad enouph that we have to pay over ten buck for a pair of tickets; why should be pay the same price for a soda and popcorn! I remember going on dates and only spending fifteen to twenty-five dollars for two tickets, bucket of popcorn, two sodas, a pickle and candy. I now the economy is bad, but why charge more if people have less. I don't get there thinking. I call it 'Fuzzy logic' and that's all I'm going to say about that.

Next time: Adventure in London