Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Reserection of Gamers

It's finally happened. I'm back on gameing.
I'm not sure if it was a mistake or not, but I bought Ivette the GameCube. I know she wanted to play Resident Evil 4 (and I've heard some good things about it). So I got a GameCube, memory card and a game. Which game? Mario Sunshine. Not my favorite Mario game, but something to start off with.
So on Sunday, after the Shoe thing what Ivette mentioned on her blog, we wondered to EB games. I wanted to see if I could buy Tomb Raider Legend. So, we looked around and Ivette went a bit spending-crazy. She offered to buy the game for me. I tried not too, but she grabbed the game box before I could sieze it. She also had in her hand Resident Evil 4 for GC (GameCube). Since we had all three game consles, the store was open to us. Ivette made some choice pick ups and we paid for our stuff. We made out like bandits. We got: Resident Evil 4-Ivette, Lego Star Wars- Me (It's such a cute game), Mortal Kombat Deception-Ivette (couldn't resist the fansise), Tomb Raider Legend-Me (heard it was too good and couldn't say no to that sexy female, LOL) and to fiinish it up Simpson Road Rage-Both of us.
So, now we got three game thing hooked up to the living room tv and to the stereo.
I also have a list of games that I'm looking forward to: Starcraft: Ghost, FF7: Deirge of Cerebus (Go Vincent) and Xenosaga 3 (still haven't played #2 yet).
Let the games Begin!!!

Ok, Ok. Like I didn't know that Already. LOL

Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 100%
Envy: 80%
Greed: 60%
Wrath: 60%
Pride: 40%
Sloth: 40%
Gluttony: 20%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 57%
You'll die from overexertion. *wink*

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Puppy has been Rescued

No, not any of us or our puppies, but a poodle that got stuck up top a water way that was next to our building. The wall of this waterway is about 20 feet and 16 feet deep from a ledge that is at leave with our sidewalk. Any way, so this poodle just walked back and forth. It looked clean, groomed and properly feed, so I figured that it was a local dog. He would bark at who ever he saw. Someone from our office called for some help and a fire truck stopped by. The saw the dog and decided to go around the the neighborhood that the dog was at. So they went and tried to get the dog. Well, the dog wouldn't have it. It barked and ran when the fire fighters would go near. Figureing that the dog would get home, I went back to my office.